New for 2018! PHOTOBOOTH!

While Rupert is away being resprayed at Bear Bodyworks in Portsmouth, we have been busy behind the scenes getting ready for the upcoming wedding season!

If you haven’t used this app already, it’s freakin cool! We used the app to create a digital representation of what Rupert will look like when he comes home – although we are going to keep the wheels white for now, Check out Bus Generator and Beetle Generator on your app store!

Next up, the gorgeous Leigh at Ink Pixel has kindly redesigned our logo to match Rupert’s new colour!

Leigh has designed both our logo and our flyers and they are both perfect! She has an incredible knack for interpreting what I mean even when it doesn’t make any sense! Check her out on Instagram @leighisinkpixel

AND NOW FOR THE BIGGEST NEWS! Bus and Bug Vintage Weddings do PHOTOBOOTH! And not just any photobooth! We are working with an amazing company based in Cornwall, to develop a fully portable device that can be used in our Bus or Bug AND outside! A super cool addition for your wedding, party or corporate event!

Our booth comes with a smiley attendant, overflowing with props and instant prints! We can even provide a green screen with a choice of awesome backgrounds! Booking from April 2018!! Please contact us for details and prices – Package prices will be up on the website soon!

Hoping to update everyone soon on Rupert’s progress and fingers crossed he will be finished in the first week of March, just in time to take Tickle in for his MOT and a few other little bits!

Exciting times!

Have a great weekend loves


Kate xx