Well hello there, Friday! I’ve been waiting for you all week!
It’s been a hectic week at BBVW HQ, designing flyers and booking wedding fayres, along with gathering inspiration for new blogs!
Is there anything you’d like us to write about? I’m thinking of doing a blog about – you guessed it! Wedding Cars! What to look for and what options you have!
So excited for the weekend coming up, Angie is coming to stay and then on Sunday we are taking Tickle and Rupert to Slough Swapmeet for their last VW show of the year! It’s bound to be a chilly one like last year but we are excited to see all our veedub friends!
We at BBVW are very friendly with a company called Flat four, who design and hand print a fantastic range of VW inspired clothing, including hoodies, tees, beanies and a whole manner of other cool things. They love our cars so much they have given Tickle his own discount code, so if you want some cool winter clothes, with 10% off, use code ‘tickle10’ at the checkout!!
Check them out! www.flat-four.co
Time to sign off!
Kate x